Scouting is thriving within Chieveley!

Adult volunteers invited

We urgently need more adults to join our leader team and share in delivering the programme. This is especially important for our Scout section where the availability of our current leaders has reduced but the Troop is expected to increase by 50% in September 2024 to 24. Without obligation, please contact Sarah Dunnett (see Key Contacts) to explore how you can get involved.

Chieveley Scouts Logo

Scouting was reintroduced in Chieveley in 2018, initially with our Beaver colony. This was soon followed by our Cub pack and Scout troop over the next few years.

As at 2024, ~60 young people participating in Scouting across the 3rd Chieveley Group – most live in Chieveley, but many join us from neighbouring villages including Curridge, Peasemore, Brightwalton, Chaddleworth and Beedon.

Many will recognise the Scouts neckers - our bespoke 3rd Chieveley pine green, white and grey design reflects our strong connection with Chieveley Primary School.

Cubs Spring Camp 2022

The young people enjoy a massively diverse range of activities including night hikes, watersports, camping, mapping skills, urban trails, wildlife surveys, cycling, orienteering, climbing, tracking, knots, open-fire cooking, safety, visits to interesting organisations, digital skills, litter-picking, games, first aid and global challenges. This list is endless!

Beavers Logo

The programmes are pitched to the age, ability and interests of the children, as well as the skill-set of the adults. As they grow, they take on more responsibility to support their younger friends and influence the activities. A common theme across UK Scouting…. our young people are developing #skillsforlife in a fun and inclusive way

Cubs Logo

The Beaver, Cub and Scout sections are all run by teams of volunteer leaders - a mix of parents and other local adults who simply enjoy being involved. All adults are DBS checked and receive essential training in order to deliver safe and fun activities for the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Some leaders also choose to take on additional training which enables them to offer even more to the young people. There is flexibility to be involved regularly or intermittently - everyone respects the importance of balancing Scouting with family and work-life.

3rd Chieveley Scouts Logo


Snelsmore adventures

About Scouting

Scouts is a worldwide, uniformed youth association with a core mission to ‘actively engage and support young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society’. Founded in 1907, there are now over 50 million Scouts worldwide, including our very own village Group - 3rd Chieveley.

While our village Scout Group is called 3rd Chieveley, many young people at Priors Court School also enjoy being members of the 2nd Chieveley Scout Group (1st Chieveley Scout Group was discontinued many years ago).

Trained Leaders manage our week-by-week programme, including risk assessments and safety aspects, while our Executive Committee support us behind the scenes. All are volunteers but, supported by The Scout Association policies and resources, we aim to deliver fun-filled programmes to equip all the young people with #skillsforlife.

Please contact us if you’d like to know more.

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