Programme of Events for 2025
- March Wednesday 12th 13.30-15.30 - AGM followed by 'Travels in Myanmar', speaker Angela Tyler
- April Monday 7th - Theatre visit
- April Tuesday 29th -19.30-21.30 - Group meeting. 'History of Shaw House' plus light refreshments, speaker Sarah Somerville
- May Wednesday 14th 13.30-15.30 - Andy Kempe talking about the history of Greenham Common
- June Tuesday 3rd 12.00-14.00 - Ploughman's lunch
- July and August - The village hall is closed for refurbishment
- July - Cream tea to be arranged.
- August - Picnic
- September Wednesday 10th 13.30-15.30 - Brian Graham will be demonstrating beeswax candle making.
- September Tuesday 30th 19.30-21.30 Group meeting. 'A History of Magic', speaker Robert Bone and light refreshments.
- October - Beetle drive
- November - Craft competition
- December - Christmas lunch
Who we are
We are the Chieveley branch of The Women's Institute and are the longest running village organisation. We celebrated our 100th birthday in 2020.
Where and when we meet
We meet on the second Wednesday afternoon of every month in Chieveley Village Hall where we enjoy an interesting programme of talks and also take time to socialise. In addition we have other activities and trips from time to time ranging from picnics, theatre visits, walks and more besides.
Where possible we support village events, if only to make cups of tea.
Do we still bake cakes? (and other old stereotypes)
Yes of course we do, and we make jam, and we are involved in all the other home economics and craft activities most people associate with the W.I. However, the W.I. as a national organisation does much more than that.
Did You Know - the W.I. is the largest women's organisation in the UK with over 200,000 members
Did You Know - the first W.I. in the UK was set up in Llanfairpwyll in Anglesey, Wales in 1915.
Did You Know the W.I. campaigns nationally on many issues such as;
- Food labelling
- Safeguarding the future for dairy farmers
- Violence against women
- Climate Change
- Against detention of people with mental health problems
- Saving honey bees
- Third World Poverty
Did You Know the W.I. is now active on Facebook and Twitter and sells many books on Amazon.
History of the W.I.
The W.I. was formed in 1915 to revitalise rural communities and encourage women to become more involved in producing food during the First World War. Since then the organisation's aims have broadened and the W.I. is now the largest voluntary women's organisation in the UK.
The W.I. plays a unique role in providing women with educational opportunities and the chance to build new skills, to take part in a wide variety of activities and to campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities. The W.I. celebrated its centenary in 2015 with over 212,000 members in approximately 6,600 institutes.
The Women's Institute - a lot more than just cakes and jam!