The Friends of Chieveley Church mounted an Exhibition on 8th and 11th November in the Church concerning the War Memorial that stands at the entrance to St. Mary's.

The Exhibition contained three sections:

a) As much information as was established about each of the thirty-four men commemorated on the memorial, such as when and where they were born, where they lived, which regiments they joined and when, what action they saw, where and when they died, and where they are buried.

b) What life was like for them, as they fought in WW1 or WW2. A collection of artefacts and interesting information.

C) What life was like for those left at home in Chieveley and the neighbouring villages during the First and Second World Wars. This section contained a considerable amount of fascinating information that shed light on Berkshire life whilst the young men were away fighting.

Memorial names 1914-1918All profits from the Exhibition were shared between St Mary's and  the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre at Headley Court, near Epsom, Surrey.



Memorial names 1914-1918To make this Exhibition truly relevant to the residents of this particular corner of Berkshire, we included as much "local colour" as possible. Specifically, we tried to make contact with anyone living in the area today who had relatives or friends living here during the two wars. We hoped that they might have memories, photos, letters, memorabilia or information that could be included in the Exhibition.

Memorial names 1939-45 For more information please contact:

Chris Harrison, Chairman, The Friends of Chieveley Church,  Yew Tree Cottage, North Heath, Chieveley, Berks RG20 8UD