An LTA registered club
For all enquires email
Weekly playing diary
7-9pm Mixed Team Practice (September-May)
5-6pm Junior Club Session (Year 7 and above)
6-8pm Club Night
Club sessions are open to all members - partners not essential as the objective is for all members to mix and play with any of the other club members who may attend.
Court Priority - Court booking system now in place
Members are requested to use the court booking system to book a court at
Coaching - generally takes place on two courts only. On occasion, competition weeks, three courts have been agreed with the club and will be shown in the booking system. Should coaching have spread over three courts when not booked then just ask the coach and they will happily vacate the third court.
Matches - summer matches will start in early May and continue until the end of July
Club nights - two courts are generally booked for club nights but if enough players turn up to fill all three courts then they will have priority.
Club Calendar - See court booking system
We are an LTA registered club and fulfil all criteria for safeguarding and other related topics. We have two Welfare Officers who have attended the relevant safeguarding courses. Our Welfare Officers are Helen Singleton and Sarah Hutchison. If any club member has any cause for concern, or would like to discuss any issue, they should contact one of them.
First Aid
A fully stocked first aid kit can be found in the clubhouse together with guidelines for use. Members are reminded that there is a key to the car park barrier hanging alongside these instructions should an ambulance need to attend. An accident form must be completed for every accident requiring attention.
Club merchandise
The club has the following for sale, each bearing the club logo:
Polo shirts
Please contact Karen Willock on 07769 874949 for more details and prices.
Coaching for juniors and adults is offered through Ignition Tennis. Coaching takes place at our club.
Keys for adult members
Upon joining keys are issued to members for the clubhouse. The courts are accessed using a padlock code. Members will be charged for lost keys.