The switching on of the lights on Chieveley's Christmas Tree will take place on Saturday 2nd December. All are invited and there will be free mulled wine, hot chocolate and mince pies to tempt you.
Chieveley Village Market will also be there with stallholders offering a festive twist. In addition there will be music by the Eric Tildiss Function Band.
Here is the schedule:
5pm - Meet up with everyone. Mulled wine, hot chocolate and mince pies kindly provided by Chieveley Parish Council (if you have reusable insulated cups please bring them along).
5.45pm - The official switching on of the lights.
The organisers add:
"The Christmas Tree has been chosen. A HUGE thank you to our lovely benefactor who once again has donated the tree.
Plese spread the word to family and friends as we would love to see you there. After the event you can head down to Ye Olde Red Lion where a welcome fire will be blazing, the aroma of delicious food wafting from their kitchen and the drinks will be flowing, booking recommended.
Thank you everyone for supporting us"