Further details have been announced for a Parish event to commemorate the 80th anniversay of the D-Day landings. As part of a large series of nationwide events the Chieveley Beacon will be lit on Thursday 6th June in celebration of the ‘light of peace’ that emerged out of the darkness of war.
Downland villagers are warmly invited to assemble at the Parish Beacon on Chieveley Recreation Ground from 8.00pm.
Bring (or buy*) your supper, table and chairs and enjoy this community event:
The programme of events will be as follows:
- 8.00pm - Assemble at the Recreation Centre
- 8.50pm - A piper will play
- 9.10pm - Reading of the International Tribute
- 9.15pm - Lighting of the Parish beacon
*Off the Scale mobile Fish & Chips will be in attendance from 8pm
The event is kindly sponsored by Chieveley Parish Council.